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Economic Development Queensland Board Appointments

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On behalf of the Queensland Government, welcome to the dedicated microsite that provides information and instructions for individuals interested in submitting an application for Economic Development Queensland Board roles.

EDQ parklands

About Economic Development Queensland (EDQ)

Digital concept art for Economic Development Queensland (EDQ)

EDQ is the Queensland Government’s land use planning and property development agency, who embrace partnerships across government, industry and the community to deliver new residential communities, urban precincts and industrial ecosystems.

EDQ has unique planning and approval powers and a mandate to create private sector investment opportunities by de-risking and unlocking land for redevelopment. This includes the ability to declare Priority Development Areas (PDAs) which are parcels of land within Queensland identified for land development to deliver significant benefit to the community and economy. PDAs effectively remove local planning controls and enables Government to replace these controls with alternative provisions. Currently there are 35 PDAs across the State totalling in excess of 21,500 hectares.

EDQ has planned and facilitated the delivery of some of the largest residential developments in Queensland, as well as some of the state’s most iconic urban renewal projects. Benchmarks are set by EDQ for the property industry through innovations like zero net energy communities and creating jobs of the future in regional Queensland by opening up tens of thousands of hectares of industrial land supply for clean energy and large-scale manufacturing.

EDQ is a commercial, self-funded entity, with success being measured by the value created in economic, social and environmental impacts. In the last 10 years EDQ has generated more than $3.7 billion in private sector investment, and more than $1 billion in infrastructure for Queensland. EDQ also has its focus on achieving a commercial outcome for the state while delivering on government priorities.

Discover more: Economic Development Queensland

For more information regarding the application process and requirements, please see the steps on How to apply.

Board recruitment background

On 20 March 2024 the Economic Development and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (the Bill) was introduced to Parliament for Committee consideration, to make amendments to the Act, to be known as the Economic Development Amendment Act 2024 (Amended Act), and it is hoped that the legislative process will be complete with the Amended Act coming into force on 1 July 2024.

The amendments to the Act seek to strengthen EDQ’s remit in relation to housing delivery with a particular focus on social, affordable and diverse housing at scale across the State, in response to the housing crisis within Queensland. Additionally, the purpose, structure, powers, operating model and corporate structure is being refined to ensure EDQ is best positioned to deliver significant improvements across housing, enterprise and place-based outcomes to support long-term performance and financial sustainability.


The purpose of the Amended Act is to facilitate for the State:

  • Economic development;
  • Development for community purposes;
  • Provision of diverse housing, including, for example social housing and affordable housing;
  • The provision of premises for commercial or industrial uses.

The Act provides details on: the establishment and functions of the MEDQ, land, property, development and infrastructure matters, PDA provisions, staff and financial arrangements, provisions relating to board and its members.

The Bill amends EDQ’s corporate structure, accountability and governance, to improve the effective and efficient function of EDQ. This has led to the appointment of a new Board.

Role of the Board

  • To decide the objectives, strategies and policies to be followed by MEDQ;
  • To ensure MEDQ substantially complies with its strategic plan and operational plan under the
    Financial Accountability Act 2009
  • To perform the functions of MEDQ that are delegated by MEDQ to the Board
  • To ensure MEDQ adopts best practice corporate governance, financial management and accountability
  • To monitor and report to MEDQ about MEDQ’s functions or exercise of EDQ’s powers;
  • To ensure MEDQ complies with its obligations under this Act or another Act.


In addition to Board members from the Queensland government, we are seeking between three and six independent directors. This number will depend of skills required from the applicant pool. 

Membership will reflect the Queensland Government gender diversity targets.



The role of the chairperson of the Board will be appointed as part of this process. Please highlight in your covering letter if you have experience as a Chair, or if you are interested in this role.

Conflicts of interest

Each member is responsible for avoiding conflicts of interest and advising EDQ immediately if any perceived or actual conflict arises.


There will be a minimum of six meetings per annum, but there may be additional meetings depending on requirements. Your role will also include preparation for these meetings.

More information

Please download the Board information pack

Board information pack

Our priorities and objectives

EDQ has identified five strategic priorities and corresponding objectives

Market leadership

To engage with partners to set the benchmark for sustainable and innovative development that also demonstrates a pathway toward First Nations reconciliation.

Place-based outcomes

To lead property development, specialist land use infrastructure planning, delivering high quality places and people-focused community outcomes.

Growing enterprise

To engage with industry to facilitate new projects and investment opportunities supporting economic growth and jobs.

Organisational legacy

To create a lasting organisational legacy and reputation delivering value into the future for our communities.

Inspiring team

To be an employer of choice where individuals can make a meaningful contribution, realise their unique potential and feel valued.

About Economic Development projects

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) supports development projects in regional and urban areas. Acting as a master developer, EDQ drives economic growth by creating vibrant, connected communities and: 

  • Plans and develops under-utilised government land
  • Works collaboratively with local government and industry to identify and deliver projects
  • Creates jobs, encourages private sector investment and provides a range of housing options.

Priority Development Areas

Priority Development Areas (PSAs) are parcels of land within Queensland identified for land development to deliver significant benefit to the community. For more details, click on the links below.

Your Davidson partner

For more information or a confidential discussion, please email or call 04 0078 1916.

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