Safety Leadership is a mixture of attitude (how you think) and behaviour (what you do). Research shows that leaders who exhibit strong safety leadership traits are key to influencing and driving a positive safety culture and striving for safety excellence.
Davidson’s Safety Leadership 360 Survey provides leaders with insight into their safety leadership competency by assessing their responses to a safety specific 360 assessment. The insights are critical to accelerating an individual’s understanding as to how they are best equipped to lead their team safely, drive actions and thinking to meet their organisation’s safety goals.
The Safety Leadership Competency Framework and Safety Leadership 360 Survey has been designed to deliver insights to enable the facilitation, development and acceleration of a safety excellence culture—that’s one that embraces continuous improvement.
Davidson has conducted extensive research into those roles where safe behaviours are key to success. The competency framework sets out the behaviours, skills and attributes that contribute to safety success. The survey assesses eight (8) safety leadership competencies specifically applicable to those leading others working in safety critical roles and driving a culture of safety excellence.
"The evidence from safety research and practical experience shows that effective safety leadership adds to the bottom line in many ways."
Dominic Cooper - Improving Safety Culture
"Each year, on average, over 620,000 Australian workers suffer work-related injuries or illnesses.
"Work-related injury and illness have a devastating impact on workers, their families and colleagues, employers and the community.
"Not only do work-related injuries cause physical, mental and emotional distress, they cost the Australian economy $28.6 billion annually."
Safe Work Australia 2022
"A safety culture can't sustain itself without safety leaders. You need safety leaders to uphold the standards and serve as a model for all of the other employees in the workplace. A safety leader will go above and beyond to make safety a priority–for themselves and those around them. These safety leaders can also inspire others to do the same."
Jamie Durisko - Ving
We bring together the latest thinking and practices with more than 30 years of industry experience. We provide integrated specialist services across HR Consulting and Recruitment to enable clients to achieve true workplace performance.
Many of our clients have worked with us for decades. We put that down to living our values, which embraces teamwork; thinking 30 years, not 30 days; giving the same advice as you would give to a close friend or relative; and a commitment to going above and beyond.
CLICK HERE to view 3 examples of the power of a well organised Safety Leadership program.
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