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Career transition and outplacement services

Your trusted partner in a time of uncertainty and change

An investment in Career Transition minimises organisational risk and maximises opportunity for impacted individuals.

Businesses who take care of their employees by offering Career Transition Services create a positive experience for impacted employees, drive a higher internal morale among remaining employees and enhance employer brand by demonstrating a care factor for past and present employees.


The focus of Davidson’s Career Transition and Outplacement Services is to support individuals to positively approach their future, whether that is to re-enter the job market, start their own business, undertake a career change, or pursue another avenue.


With the help of a dedicated Career Coach and access to comprehensive and self-paced online content, participants are guided through the fundamental elements and assisted to navigate the complexities of their chosen path.

Employee engagement and satisfaction of remaining employees increases by 38% compared to 14% if the company elected not to provide career transition services.

Minimising organisational risk

Resizing and reshaping your workforce has the potential to negatively impact your organisation’s reputation, and the morale and productivity of those who remain in your workforce. Our expertise in enhancing workplace performance means these risks are top of mind for us – we help you future-proof your organisation and achieve change through an efficient and well-balanced process that considers:


Your brand

  • Eliminate the potential for reputational damage from negative media and reports
  • Protect your employee value proposition for the future

Your people

  • Ensure transitioning staff are well-prepared and supported
  • Reduce the emotional impact, reassure your retained workforce and keep your star performers
  • Our agility and responsiveness ensure individuals with increased personal risk are provided the right care and attention


Your results

  • Ensure productivity throughout the change
  • Pave the way for re-recruitment of your workforce when it becomes time to grow

Maximising opportunities for transitioning individuals

We can take a multi-faceted approach to support your people, providing individuals with an integrated program of individual coaching, or peer coaching, or technical group work and online, or self-paced work.

Each participant receives a collection of supporting materials to help reinvent their career, including access to an online resource library and a career learning guide. Each participant is assigned an expert career coach for the duration of their program who manages their career search strategy, backed by a Davidson team of career specialists. 

Davidson’s Career Transition service is underpinned by a proven process to ensure employees have every opportunity to be successful, whatever their chosen path.


Diagram comparing individual and personal coach sessions, workshops, forums, assessments, materials, and support

Our four-staged approach

Our four-staged approach assists individuals to explore the deeper issues around their values, meaning and purpose whilst developing the confidence and skills to effectively execute their professional and personal goals.

1. Define

Aims to uncover personal and professional preferences and define the participant’s core compass they will use to navigate their development or transition journey.

2. Drive

This stage provides the participant the opportunity to embed their learning’s into their future plans to ensure sustained behavioural change. 

3. Develop

Having gained a deep understanding of the factors that contribute to a rich and meaningful life, this stage aims to develop priorities, goals and planned pathways to realise success.

4. Deploy

This stage provides the fine-tuning activity required to maximise success potential. It promotes experience, reflection, adjustment and progress until desired results are achieved.

Download a copy of Davidson’s four-stage approach here
Diagram showing Davidson's four stage approach of defining, driving, developing, deploying

Change management support

With expertise across all aspects of change management, from organisational design to staff engagement, we can assist you earlier in the process to help you gain insight for a smooth transition.


We offer support for workforce planning, change management planning, industrial relations and employee relations, messaging to your workforce, and onsite career decision and advisory centres. Strategic preparation and post-change initiatives to reinvigorate your workforce will ensure the best outcome from your organisational change.


agree Davidson's program is more effective than other career transition programs they've participated in.


agree that their Davidson Career Coach helped them work towards personal and professional goals.


agree that their Davidson Career Coaches wee accessible, empathetic, helpful, professional and approachable.


agree Davidson's career transition program will help them for the rest of their lives.

Why Davidson?

We bring together the latest thinking and practices with more than 30 years of industry experience. We provide integrated specialist services across HR Consulting and Recruitment to enable clients to achieve true workplace performance.


Many of our clients have worked with us for decades. We put that down to living our values, which embraces teamwork; thinking 30 years, not 30 days; giving the same advice as you would give to a close friend or relative; and a commitment to going above and beyond.

Our Career Transition and Outplacement services have been developed to support you and your employees through change. Our core focus is on ensuring the transitioning employee feels invested in and valued and maximising a return on investment for our client.

As a leader in workplace solutions our Career Transition and Outplacement services have been trusted by clients for decades

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