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Graduate gamified assessments

Simplify your graduate recruitment and enhance your candidate experience

Cartoon style illustration of three graduates to showcase Davidson's gamified assessment through The Talent Games.

In the competitive market of graduate recruitment, it is crucial to attract top graduate talent in the most engaging way. Gamification is the answer!

Our ready-to-play graduate gamified assessment solution (powered through The Talent Games), offers an innovative and effective solution to your graduate recruitment processes.

Book your demo
Cartoon illustration of a student sitting a desk with a laptop and backpack by his feet

We integrate attractive and engaging situational judgement tests that create a fun way to assess a graduate’s fit within your organisation and the role/s you are hiring for. 

What’s even better?

We offer a ready-to-play graduate recruitment game that can be up and running in 72-hours. You can further customise your game with branding and situations commonly experienced in the role/s that your graduates are applying for.

The future of HR is here

We use gamification, neuroscience and situational judgement tests to deliver results and engage top talent at scale. Gamification modernises pre-screening and assessments, reducing bias, and increasing diversity and inclusion opportunities.

Gamification helps you streamline your graduate recruitment process and attract top graduate talent by creating a virtual animated alternative to the standardised recruitment process.

Gamified assessments provide your graduates with real work-life scenarios and cognitive games, which allow candidates to experience what it would be like to work in your organisation. This is an innovative and fun alternative to traditional psychometric assessment, but with all of the same benefits.

We’ll customise our assessment tool and create a fun, unique and engaging graduate experience for your brand. Let us reinvigorate your recruitment process and candidate experience.

Mobile app mock-up of gamified assessment login and sign up page
Exclusive preview
Get gamified today

You are invited to play, experience and learn more about our graduate gamified assessment solution. 

Book your demo

78% of candidates prefer to work for companies that use gamified recruitment.

Play to win! Proven science and actionable outcomes.

Customise your games

Gamify your brand.

We will help you create a real life, and fully customised assessment solution. Showcasing your company and allowing you to create an even stronger employer brand.

If you’re ready to create a bespoke candidate experience that aligns with your company’s brand, culture, style and personality, our custom solution is for you.

Book your demo
Photo of the Stathpine office
Illustration of theStrathpine office

Your candidate experience reimagined!

7000 students who participate in gamified assessments were asked about their experience.

0 %

believe companies can hire better quality candidates.

0 %

agreed the game was relevant to the position they applied for.

0 %

felt the game allowed them to demonstrate their full potential.

0 %

agree that gamification has altered their perception about the companies.

Enhance your graduate experience and gamify your recruitment today!

Contact us to find out more

Talent Games Form

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