During 2020, have you been given or heard the advice that it is important that you “think positively” to try and shift your emotional state? Did it work or have a lasting impact for you?
Hopefully it was able to have some impact for you but my guess is that you need something beyond the advice of “think positively” to assist you in getting to the end of 2020 and to assist you in setting the foundations to shoot for success in 2021. This article will help you do that.
We are hearing more and more that our mental health is suffering the longer the COVID-19 lockdowns/restrictions go on especially here in Melbourne and Victoria and I naturally wanted to write an article that could assist someone to enhance how they are feeling, thinking and planning.
Mental health has been highlighted as a national priority by the Federal Government, so much so that in their recent budget they committed $5.7billion to mental health as part of the COVID-19 recovery efforts.
Whilst thinking positively has always been a factor for your own mental health, another key element is that of seeing, feeling and experiencing progress. Most people equate this to achieving goals.
Tony Robbins, the well-known Motivational Speaker and Life Strategist, is quoted as saying that “ Progress equals happiness ”.
In 2020, many people have had their life dreams disrupted and their progress has either stalled or gone backwards. As a result, their life satisfaction, happiness and wellbeing has gone down.
So how do we get back on track given we are still living through the pandemic experience?
A good starting point is to utilise some teachings by David Neagle around goal setting in the context of 2020 and COVID-19.
David Neagle is one of the architects of the coaching and personal growth industry and runs The Successful Mind , a podcast focused on cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation and relationships.
After having listened to many of his podcast episodes this year, I have summarised the goal setting approach that David has put forward with key points that will help you to expand your perception of what is going on, how you are processing it and how you can utilise it for a better outcome.
Our goals at the start of January 2020 changed significantly in March 2020 when COVID-19 started to impact the Australian landscape. In amongst the chaos of the emerging pandemic, we had to try and adapt as best we could as the story unfolded. In the constantly changing game, we naturally went into “survival mode” or the fight or flight (or freeze) mode.
Rather than focusing on the goals we had set for the year ahead, we were thrust into figuring out how do we simply get through this and come out on the other side. I heard it everywhere, businesses were shifting from “growth” mode to “survival” mode.
Now with less than 12 weeks to go before the end of 2020, we need to try and salvage the year by putting in one last effort to achieve something meaningful whilst also giving ourselves momentum to head into the new year. Don’t wait for the New Year’s resolution to get started. Start now.
Whilst this article has been focused on you as an individual, now is also a great time to be thinking about how you can get your team set for 2021. Carrying momentum into the new year is critical for team performance leading into January.
Davidson PXP offers a number of Team Solutions that can assist in planning the goals for 2021 and also getting the team working effectively as a unit.
Get in touch to learn more about how we can assist.
Cameron Norton , National Solution Lead, Davidson PXP
Contact +61 400 913 843 or via email: cameron.norton@davidsonwp.com
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